Hi there! My name is Sidney, your no non-sense wellness coach

I discovered Nutritional Therapy after being told by my doctor that I was just going to have to live with my symptoms. She is a really great doctor and she had run all of the regular tests called for by traditional western medicine. But she was stumped.

I had night sweats, no energy, my hair was falling out and I was rapidly gaining weight. I found a wonderful Functional Practitioner who helped me with nutritional deficiencies, stress management and supporting my hormones.

What I learned during that process ignited a passion for natural health solutions. I am constantly amazed by the human body and its ability to heal if we just give it what it needs.

I knew that I wanted to share this with others so I went through Integrative Health Practitioner school and Nutritional Therapy school so I could be well-equipped to serve others.

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